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ScandiFornian home
at Tiffany et Brandon's 

A surge of modernity has blown through Tiffany and Brandon's house. Lovers of minimalist and soothing spaces, they wanted to create a space in tune with the times, with clean and relaxing lines, while keeping a warm side thanks to wood tones and soft fabrics. We reworked the house from A to Z, and the result is an interior decoration with a subtle blend of Californian and Scandinavian styles that is very unique and which suits them so well. 

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34 Place Charles de Gaulle, bureau 3, Lille 59000

SAS Marion Banfi, société au capital de 5000 euros immatriculée au R.C.S de Lille sous le n° 978269009.

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decoration d'interieur, interior design, interior design in France, interior design in Lille, interior design in english in france, decoratrice ecolo, psychologie des couleurs 

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