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Romantic Bridal Store in Noé Valley for Lace&Liberty

In the heart of Noé Valley, we have created this lovely nest to receive future brides looking for the ideal outfit. Our design was intended to reflect the image of the Lace&Liberty brand: Modern, warm, and approachable. We have worked around customer experience in order to offer personalized, cozy and chic spaces and atmospheres. A great moment of sharing with the founder Danielle Wen and her teams, and a pleasure to see more and more future brides who keep excellent memories of this  very special place. 

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34 Place Charles de Gaulle, bureau 3, Lille 59000

SAS Marion Banfi, société au capital de 5000 euros immatriculée au R.C.S de Lille sous le n° 978269009.

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decoration d'interieur, interior design, interior design in France, interior design in Lille, interior design in english in france, decoratrice ecolo, psychologie des couleurs 

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