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Bon Jour is a design studio that specializes in creating beautiful and functional spaces that make people feel at home.

After 15 years living and working abroad, I am back in France and willing to help people feeling home in my beautiful country.  
At Bon Jour, I work with clients to discover their individual style and then create a space that serves them and makes them feel good.

My specialties lie in mixing colors, patterns and textures to create a unique and inviting space.

I also rely on intentional design to help you create new self care routine and improve your day to day life.


Whether you're looking to renovate, refresh or remodel, I am here to help create the perfect space for you.


Each project is unique and each client needs are different, which is why we are happy to offer you custom made services

Design consultation

Full design service

Personal shopper 



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34 Place Charles de Gaulle, bureau 3, Lille 59000

SAS Marion Banfi, société au capital de 5000 euros immatriculée au R.C.S de Lille sous le n° 978269009.

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decoration d'interieur, interior design, interior design in France, interior design in Lille, interior design in english in france, decoratrice ecolo, psychologie des couleurs 

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